What is the School Accountability Committee (SAC)?
School Accountability Committees are responsible for making recommendations to their principal concerning priorities for spending school funds, making recommendations concerning the preparation of the school's Performance, Improvement, Priority Improvement, or Turnaround plan (whichever is applicable), and meeting at least quarterly to discuss implementation of the school's plan and other progress pertinent to the school's accreditation contract with the local school board.
The School Accountability Committee (SAC) should consist of at least the following five members:
- The principal of the school or the principal's designee;
- At least one teacher who provides instruction in the school;
- At least two parents of students enrolled in the school;
- At least one person from the community.
Please contact the principal, Stewart Bellina, [email protected], if you would like to serve on this committee.
Each SAC is responsible for the following:
- Recommending to the principal of the school priorities for spending school moneys;
- Making recommendations to the principal of the school and the superintendent concerning the preparation of a school Performance or Improvement plan, if either type of plan is required;
- Making recommendations to the local school board concerning preparation of a school Priority Improvement or Turnaround plan, if either type of plan is required; and
- Meeting at least quarterly to discuss whether district leadership, personnel, and infrastructure are advancing or impeding implementation of the district's Performance, Improvement, Priority Improvement, or Turnaround plan, whichever is applicable, and other progress pertinent to the school's accreditation contract with the local school board.
All schools, regardless of their plan assignment, will be required to use CDE's School Unified Improvement Plan template. For more information about how to use the template and prepare a plan, please see http://www.schoolview.org/learningcenter.asp. All school plans also must include the following elements:
- Targets: ambitious but attainable targets that the school shall attain on the four key statewide Performance Indicators (achievement, growth, growth gaps, and postsecondary workforce readiness).
- Trends: positive and negative trends in the levels of attainment by the school on the Performance Indicators.
- Priority Needs: a prioritized list of needs in each performance indicator area where the school did not meet state performance expectations.
- Root Causes: root causes for each identified priority need that must be addressed.
- Major Improvement Strategies: specific, research-based improvement strategies that are appropriate in scope, intensity and type to address the school's root causes of any low performance.
- Resources: identification of local, state and federal resources that the school will use to implement the identified strategies with fidelity.
- Interim Measures and Implementation Benchmarks: These are used to assess whether the identified strategies are having the desired performance results.
Please view the District Accountability Handbook below for detailed information about SAC.
District Accountability Handbook2013v4
309 Lewis Street, PO Box 1498, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 (P) (970) 264-5562
The Archuleta School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, or disability in its programs or activities. A lack of English skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies and procedures:
Superintendent Rick Holt
309 Lewis Street
PO Box 1498, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
(970) 264-2228